Small Changes that Make A Big Difference
Chatter Mention Utilization for Chatter Groups
When you want to post to a group, you can now use @mention to post to the chatter group and it will automatically post to the group page. Since it has been less efficient to have to post the same message to many groups multiple times rather than being able to send just one post to several groups, this update will save users so much time. So the days of having to do a multi-step process to update a group (having to first find the group or groups and then posting) will be gone with this new release. This will definitely help with increasing Chatter user adoption among groups.
- Votes - 811
- Comments - 159
- Idea in Queue - 2 years
Modify the 1,000 Character Limit for Chatter Comment
Chatter has been a wonderful tool for getting users talking, easily sharing ideas, and information. However, the character limit of 1,000 per post has made it very difficult for users to share more complex ideas (ie. meeting minutes, success stories, technical discussions). Users have to spread out their ideas over several posts which becomes cumbersome for both the users posting the idea and the users receiving the many posts. The new character limit of 5,000 per post in this new release will really give users more flexibility and leeway on how much they can post at a time and they will be less likely to jump back to using e-mail to send these more complicated and involved discussions.
- Votes - 114
- Comments - 41
- Idea in Queue - 2 years
Make Chatter Groups Inactive/Archive
Group owners, group managers, and users who have the “Modify All Data” access are now all able to archive or activate groups as well as enable or disable automatic archiving for a group. Without this level of permissioning, inactive groups have been allowed to just sit open and are only automatically archived after 90 days of non-use by the system. This creates so much clutter and confusion for users since it’s unclear which groups are no longer being used. So it’s exciting that there are opportunities to have chatter groups clean now, creating a much more user friendly and inviting space for users to chat in the community.
- Votes - 102
- Comments - 26
- Idea in Queue - 2 years
User adoption is such a critical component to Salesforce success and it’s so exciting that the functionality in these areas discussed above are addressing the needs of the community and will significantly help user’s embrace what Salesforce really has to offer.
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