Success Community + Wellness = Like
The Salesforce Success Community is an online collaboration hub where Salesforce customers can learn, get answers to questions and share new ideas on all things Salesforce and beyond.
One topic of great importance to me other then Salesforce is wellness. I have had a long battle with anxiety since I was a kid along with other health issues that I am proud to say I have overcome. I learned a lot on my journey and I was looking for ways to share with others some of the resources and ideas I found to be useful motivation tools. After seeing Salesforce dedicating a whole day to health and wellness at Dreamforce it inspired me to create a group in the community called WELLforce. The goal of this blog post is to make you aware of a few groups focused on wellness and to hopefully inspire you to come up with other topics you are passionate about and start sharing.
DF '14: Health and Weight Loss Challenge
The Health and Weight Loss Challenge started by Bill Greenhaw was created to hold him accountable for losing a few pounds before Dreamforce 2013. It got an amazing response and grew to over 200 members. Sponsors got involved and people were given some real nice prizes for what they accomplished leading up to Dreamforce. How amazing is it that one man’s goal led to a movement of over 200 people who got healthier in some way shape or form leading up to Dreamforce 2013? This year it has almost doubled in size and people use the group to share all kinds of things health-related from recipes to fitness programs. I have also seen it spark conversations about other types of challenges and a specific Dreamforce 5K (this 5K also happened last year).
I have studied the topic of wellness for many years now and much of what I learned I have applied to my own life. I started this Success Community group after Dreamforce 2013 with the inspiration to spread the knowledge I had gained from my journey and to connect with others who were looking for better wellness in their life. Others and I share motivational quotes, book reviews, and resources to help with nutrition, stress, and pretty much anything else that can better your health mentally and physically. Hopefully with this post we can get more of you to join and share. (wink wink)
Running for Success
Running for Success, formerly the Holiday Running Streak group, started with the goal to help people get through the busy and very stressful holiday season by motivating people to run at least 1 mile a day from Thanksgiving through New Years. It has now moved its focus to motivating runners the entire year and is a great place where people share their running accomplishments. One of things people do in the group that I particularly like is sharing a photo. This makes the collaboration more personal and gives a quick view in the lives of the people we are sharing with. If you are a runner and could use a little motivation (or looking for some competition), I suggest you check it out.
In addition to spreading the word about some good groups you can check out in the success community, I hope you realize the opportunity the community provides. When people have something in common and have a place to gather to collaborate, it becomes a breeding ground for education, impactful change personally, and professionally and innovation. Just look at what happened when one person wanted to lose some weight and decided to share his goal with his fellow Salesforce mates. I encourage you to join some groups and if you feel like a group is missing, by all means go create one!
If you would like to discuss further comment on our Facebook page, on the Salesforce Successs Community in WELLforce, tweet at me at www.twitter.com/Salvatoriello or comment below.