Salesforce Spring 18 Ideas Delivered
Though the list of ideas delivered in this release isn’t huge (literally it’s 12 ideas) there are some good ones this time around. The point count this time is a total of 43,770. It’s also interesting that Salesforce is now not really highlighting delivered ideas in the release notes like they used to. In any case, here are a few ideas delivered worth mentioning.
Streamline Lead Conversion Without Opportunities
In Lead Settings, there are two options now for the Lead Conversion screen: hide the opportunity section completely or have the checkbox for not creating an opportunity on the convert screen checked by default. This idea was delivered with a whopping total of 34,330 points.
Path: Pick Your Own Path
Now we can create a Path based on any picklist field for standard objects. Examples include the ability to track the growth of your relationship with an organization or household, track Campaign progress, or track the support cycle of Cases. The steps are the same in setting up the path; path steps are based on values in a picklist field, highlight the values using key fields, and include guidance to help users succeed at each step on the path. The Idea addressed by this feature had gathered a total of 5,820 points.
Share Credit for a Deal in Lightning Experience
Yeah for Sales teams! Opportunity Splits that were available in Classic are now in Lightning Experience. Team members working an opportunity can see how much credit they get for each deal. These can then be rolled into quota and pipeline reports for a team. You can add or adjust splits from the Opportunity Splits related list. This idea was delivered with a total of 1,540 points.
Do you have other favorite Ideas delivered in this latest release I didn’t mention? Please feel free to let me know directly on Twitter @LeiferAshley or in the Success Community and Power of Us Hub.