I Want My Cloud TV!
How the cloud is transforming the entertainment experience.
Chatter 2 Ready for Primetime
Cloud Computing delivers features, functionality, and innovation at a pace that on-premise software cannot match. We take a look at how Salesforce.com's Chatter has evolved into Chatter 2 in only 6 months since its initial beta release.
Chatter Changes Conference Collaboration
As a past customer and now partner of Salesforce.com, Dreamforce has become an annual "must go" event and mecca for all things cloud computing. Each year the conference grows in size, complexity and sheer magnitude. This year Salesforce.com is bringing a whole new dynamic to the conference by creating a conference portal with Chatter.
Streamline your proposal process with Salesforce.com and Conga Composer
This is how we at Arkus streamlined our proposal process using Salesforce.com and Conga Composer.
13 Features I'm Excited About in the Salesforce.com Winter '11 Release
These are my 13 favorite features that are coming out in the Winter '11 Saleforce.com release. Obviously there are tons of features but these are my favorites.
Connecting Clouds to Open Source: Plone & Salesforce.com Integration
With the brand new release of Plone 4, I thought it would be a good time talk about the open source project and how it connects to the cloud.
Google Strives to Include Everything Productivity in Gmail
With an exciting new feature launching this week Google was very busy moving more and more productivity apps into their Gmail platform.
Secure Communication and Collaboration in the Cloud without Email
Yammer vs. Chatter - 2 different approaches to social networking and collaboration in the in the cloud - advantages and disadvantages of each service.
Google Shows No Vision by Killing The Wave
With the recent announcement that Google is stopping development and eventually shutting down Google Wave, Google might be doing more harm than good.
From Pull to Push, Cloud 2 Changes Everything
Cloud 2 changes everything about the way people interact with the web and companies on the web. It even changes the way we work - we go from pulling information to having information pushed in context in real-time.